IML-Kolloquium: Termine
Während der IML-Kolloquien präsentieren Expertinnen und Experten aktuelle Beiträge rund um das Thema Medical Education.

Usability: Webbasierter Kataster-Auszug
Der dynamische Smart-Auszug könnte - als Ergänzung zum statischen Auszug - für den GIS-Laien die einfach bedienbare Variante des elektronischen Auszuges des ÖREB-Katasters werden.

Annual report IML 2017
The main task of the Institute for Medical Education is to support medical education − through services, development of methods, infrastructure, and knowledge about teaching and assessment.

The future is digital
The IML has been training learners to become mediamaticians for over 10 years. With their finger on the pulse of medical education, these young people have a great deal to offer and can develop their professional skills in an optimal manner.

Remembering a forgotten condition
The link between nutrition and health is undisputed – today, as in the past. Historical film material from the IML collection illustrates this with the example of endemic goiter (“cretinism”) through vivid images. The fact that the theme continues to be topical is demonstrated by an enquiry from French TV.

SAMS-Award 2017
The IML once again receives the SAMS award for best practice in interprofessional teaching.

Students teach students
Students support their colleagues in learning to report and evaluate electrocardiograms (ECGs).

Der «dynamische Smart-Auszug» ist ein webbasierter Kataster-Auszug für Desktop, Tablet und Phone, welcher für alle Kantone das gleiche Benutzerinterface zur Verfügung stellt.

Targeted creation of exam questions – it’s better together
In March 2017, the new exam questions for the Federal licensing MC examination in human medicine were created, for the first time, in a two-day workshop. The quantitative output was very good. The authors’ satisfaction and the qualitative output were considerably better than in previous years, when the questions were devised individually or in smaller workshops.

True-to-life examinations through hybrid simulation
For quality assurance of the Federal Clinical Skills Examination, the Institute for Medical Education (IML) is working on the innovative concept of hybrid simulation in cooperation with the Universities of Lausanne and Zurich, on behalf of the Federal Office of Public Health (FOPH).

Interprofessional teaching with simulations and standardized patients
The conference “Standardized Patients and Simulation” (SPSim) on 16.-18.3.2017 fell under the motto “Curricular Integration of Simulation in Healthcare – from Concept to Reality”.

Research internship at the IML – a personal experience
Psychology students regularly undertake research internships at the Institute for Medical Education (IML). Simon Burkhalter reports on his own experience as an intern.

SPSIM Kongress 2017 in Bern
5th International Conference on Standardized Patients and Simulations (SPSIM).