The MME program is designed to be conducted alongside participants’ employment and has a modular format. Performance is measured according to the European Credit Transfer System ECTS. One credit corresponds to a workload of 25-30 hours. Credits can be acquired for all study activities within the MME course.
The minimum requirements to be awarded the Master diploma are:
- Successful completion of at least 9 MME course weeks,
- Writing of at least 6 post-course assignments,
- Conducting of a project with minimum qualification E,
- Writing of a Master’s thesis with minimum qualification E,
- Acquisition of 60 ECTS credits.

The study duration is normally two years (4 semesters) plus several months for completing the Master’s thesis. As it is particularly difficult to complete the MME program whilst working full-time, a reduction of working hours is strongly recommended (guideline: approx. 80% of full-time hours). The MME degree must be completed within 4 years.
Master’s degree
Upon successful completion of the degree program, participants can carry the title of “Master of Medical Education” of the University of Bern (MME Bern). The title is awarded by the Medical Faculty Bern in conjunction with the University of Illinois College of Medicine (COM Chicago).