
Re-Design Valuatic Studio
Design- und Usability-Optimierungen im Rahmen der technischen Migration einer Desktop-Applikation zur Erstellung von Prüfungsformularen.

Precision Medicine for FRONTLINERS
Is a multi-support learning platform on Precision Medicine for the daily practice of frontline care professionals.

Viva VOsCE
Virtual Objective structered Clinical Examinations

Rassismus in der Medizin – Perspektiven für die medizinische Ausbildung
Beitrag der GMA zur Sensibilisierung von Studierenden, Lehrenden und weiteren in der medizinischen Lehre tätigen Personen zum Thema rassistische Diskriminierung im Gesundheitswesen.

Berner longitudinales Curriculum Virtuelle Patient:innen Notfallmedizin (BelViP)
Unterstützung der Studierenden zum Erlernen der selbständigen Behandlung von pädiatrischen und erwachsenen Notfallpatienten durch Einsatz von Virtuellen Patient:innen.

Communication is a key competence
Communication with cancer patients and their families about approaching death: schaffolding conceptual and practical learning for health professionals

Systematic approach to reviews, with a particular focus on Scoping Reviews
By the example of implementing a systematic scoping review to develop a taxonomy of teaching methods, on 10th November 2022, with a small team of international experts, we delivered an interactive workshop on Secondary Research.

Gender gap phenomenon
Gender differences in the career motivations of health professionals.

Establishing Trust: Herangehensweise an das ängstliche Kind durch blended learning.
Herangehensweise an das ängstliche Kind durch blended learning.

PhD project (SNF): Digital Learning and Teaching (DLT)
Implementing effective digital learning and teaching in higher education beyond the Covid-19 pandemic. Aligning key players’ needs, bringing distant communication close and supporting students’ individual learning.

PhD project (SNF): From threat to challenge
Improving medical students’ stress response and communication skills performance through stress arousal reappraisal and preparatory worked example-based learning when breaking bad news to simulated patients

PhD project: Online and blended learning in Precision Medicine
Improving our understanding of teaching and learning methods acceptable and applicable for frontline healthcare professionals.

PhD project: Post-graduate medical education programs
What makes post-graduate medical education programs (CME) at the University-level attractive?

PhD project: Peer teaching ultrasound
«Understanding and Facilitating Near-Peer-Teaching in Ultrasound Education.»

PhD project: Continuing Professional Development conferences
"Improving the outcome of conferences on Continuing Professional Development (CPD) for healthcare professionals."

Examic Valuatic
Valuatic is an easy-to-use and efficient system for conducting oral and clinical assessments (especially OSCEs) without the use of paper forms.

Examic EOSCE
EOSCE is an easy-to-use and efficient system for conducting practical medical examinations (especially OSCEs) without the use of paper forms.

Examic Measured
Examic Measured is an innovative online platform designed to help educational institutions and organisations easily create and administer exams and assessments.

«BeFit» Project
Evaluation of the «BeFit» Project.

Evaluation von Praxisassistenzen
Überarbeitung der Erhebungsinstrumente für die Evaluation von Praxisassistenzen.

PhD project: Entrustable Professional Activities (EPAs)
Entrustable Professional Activities (EPAs) in the Psychiatry Core Clerkship.

Supervisors in Multisource feedback: What do they need to best support residents?
Dieses Projekt beschäftigt sich mit Feedback Gesprächen bei Multisource Feedback in der ärztlichen Weiterbildung.

«Assess-med-BERT» ist ein Algorithmus zur automatisierten Erstellung von Distraktoren in deutschsprachigen Multiple Choice-Fragen für Online Self-Assessments, um das Lernen effizient zu unterstützen.

CRASHPAED – Praxisnahes Lernen an interaktiven Fällen
CrashPaed ist eine Webapp, in welcher Fälle aus der Kinder- und Jugendmedizin schrittweise vom Symptom über die Diagnostik bis hin zur Therapie interaktiv aufgearbeitet werden.

MSFtoGo - das intelligente Multisource Feedback Tool
Es soll eine App entwickelt werden, um die Durchführung von Multisource-Feedback zu vereinfachen.

eLearning for the Swiss National Foundation
eLearning is an efficient way of reaching out to experts and supporting them in their evaluation tasks.

Increasing communication skills with the help of sample videos
For medical students, it can be very challenging to communicate with patients in a goal-oriented and efficient way on the one hand and to convey empathy and appreciation on the other hand (at the same time).

Wissensaneignung von Hausärzt:innen in der COVID-19 Pandemie
Die COVID-19 Pandemie hat viele Berufsgruppen vor Herausforderungen gestellt.

eLearning und Beratung für die Ärztekammer Niedersachsen
Beratung, Evaluation und Einbindung von eLearning für die Ärztekammer Niedersachsen (D).

E-Learning-Modul in «Scientific Literature Searching»
Beratung zur Entwicklung eines E-Learning-Moduls in «Scientific Literature Searching» (Bibliothek Medizin Bern).

Medical Education during the pandemic
This project aims at identifying and describing the experiences made at the Swiss medical schools after having to suddenly switch from on-site to online teaching; in particular, the experienced issues, needs, and solution approaches shall be investigated.

PhD project: Entrustable Professional Activities in Old Age Psychiatry
Improving residency training with Entrustable Professional Activities (EPA’s) in Old Age Psychiatry.

Literature search and academic writing
Evaluation of workshops and lectures in literature search and academic writing.

Swiss interprofessional evaluation instrument SIPEI
Application and, if necessary, optimization of the Swiss interprofessional evaluation instrument SIPEI.

Multisource feedback guideline
Use of multisource feedback in medical training: Creation of an implementation guideline.

HemoSurf development
HemoSurf is educational software teaching morphological haematology that is known and used worldwide.

Communication courses for Sanacare group practices
Communication courses for the medical staff of the 13 Sanacare group practices. Including role play among themselves and with simulated staff.

Videos to support 3rd year clinical skills training.

«did-act» on clinical decision-making, EU project
An adaptive curriculum for clinical reasoning for students and instructors is to be developed, implemented and disseminated in order to better prepare future doctors and to avoid mistakes.

Spiritual Care in Chronic Pain
Interdisciplinary Research for Interprofessional Practice in Medicine and Nursing.

Competencies of Attendings in GIM Departments in Swiss Hospitals
In Switzerland, the competencies for attending physicians in General Internal Medicine (GIM) are not sufficiently defined, and additional non-medical tasks to successfully practice hospital medicine are not addressed.

DocCom.Deutsch: Webbasierte Lernmodule zur patientenzentrierten Kommunikation
DocCom.Deutsch ist eine Serie medienunterstützter Online Module für die Aus-, Weiter- und Fortbildung in der Kommunikation im Gesundheitswesen. Daran beteiligt sind Ärztinnen und Ärzte sowie Fachpersonen aus der Schweiz, Deutschland und Österreich.

Digitalization of the SP database
The database of standardized/simulated patients (SPs) will be brought up-to-date and will stay abreast of the developments of the program.

Accompanying research to support the “Mistake of the Week”
Since Spring 2018, we have been supporting the project “Mistake of the Week” of the Medical Clinics of the Klinikum Konstanz (Chief Physician Prof. H.-J. Kabitz and Prof. M. Schuchmann) through accompanying research.

PhD project: Fostering communication skills in health profession students
Thesis about the effectiveness of worked examples and written reflections.

CAS “Interprofessional specialized palliative care”
Evaluate the teaching units of the Certificate of Advanced Studies “Interprofessional specialized palliative care”.

Interaction Design concept
Create an Interaction Design concept for online reference guides.

Ilias Learning Management System
Usability evaluation of the Ilias Learning Management System.

Interaction design for a Research Data Repository (RDR)
The library of the University of Bern is setting up a new Research Data Repository.

Task analysis of an anaesthesia-information-system at the university hospital Bern.

Video: Female breast examination
A video is used to support student learning.

Requirements engineering for new geodata infrastructure
Raise the needs with regard to renew the geodata infrastructure of AGI.

Acceptance of simulated physicians in communication training with SPs
Change of sides in communication training: from standardized/simulated patient to physician.

Videos on carrying out sonographic examinations
Recording videos of ultrasound examinations for learning purposes.

Virtual spaces in 3D for video recordings with green screen
With virtual 3D spaces, scenes recorded with green screen in the video studio can be placed into a suitable environment.

From student to team member
An Inverted Classroom Concept enables medical students to be integrated into interprofessional team simulation training.

Numerous online learning programs like MorphoMed, RadioSurf or CliniSurf, which were developed at the Department for Education and Media AUM at the IML in conjunction with specialist representatives from the Faculty of Medicine, need to be updated.

Self-Directed Learning (SDL) in Clinical Work-Life
How can specialists be supported in highly individualized learning processes with the help of modern tools?

SOREL – maintain and redesign
SOREL is an online learning program funded by all five medical faculties in Switzerland and the Swiss Society of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery.

PhD project: Measurement precision of written exams
The work examines the measurement precision at the cut-score of multiple choice exams and scoring algorithms for multiple true-false (MTF) questions.

PhD project: Multisource feedback in postgraduate medical education
Which factors influence multisource feedback in postgraduate medical education?

Presentation format with the greatest learning effect
A randomized field study shows which presentation format of patient-centered communication examples has the greatest learning effect for medical students.

Importance of sample sizes in multiple choice exams
The project examines the extent to which the psychometric properties and candidate performances in multiple choice exams depend on the sample sizes “items/candidates”.

Interprofessional Workplace-based Assessment in Diabetology
A qualitative research study in medical education at the University Hospital of Bern.

Study trajectory analysis Human Medicine Bern
Typical study trajectories are analyzed for the year groups 2010-2013, from the Matura [university-entrance level qualifications], via Numerus Clausus, to professional training examinations and the Federal Licensing Examinations.

Evaluation to accompany the “Steigbügel” project
Supporting professional reintegration following parental leave.

Quality of radiation protection training
Evaluate the quality of radiation protection training at the MTR (medical-technical radiology) schools in Switzerland.

Evaluation tools: Interprofessional undergraduate and postgraduate education
Develop tools to evaluate interprofessional undergraduate and postgraduate education and professional practice on behalf of the Federal Office of Public Health.

Teaching materials “Palliative Medicine Essentials”
Evaluate the basic teaching materials “Palliative Medicine Essentials” – the fundamentals of palliative care.

Postgraduate education program "Praxisassistenz"
Evaluate the postgraduate education program Praxisassistenz (expanded GP training module in GP practices).

PhD project: Workplace-based assessment
Mini-CEX and DOPS are two forms of workplace-based assessment which are used to support physicians’ learning in the workplace.

Abdomen sonography
Together with various partners, a foundation course on the theme of sonography of the abdomen is created. This is based on the Blended Learning method.

The impact of a masters program in Medical Education
The impact on individuals, organizations and influencing factors: a qualitative study.

Microscopy versus Endoscopy
Assessment of middle ear anatomy teaching using microscopy versus endoscopy: A randomized comparative study.

Improving the assessment of communication
Improving the assessment of communication competencies in the Swiss Federal Licensing Examination in Human Medicine: A project with a mixed methods approach.

PhD project: Assessment in Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Training
PhD regarding “Assessment in Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Training”.

Usability-Evaluation ÖREB Smart-Auszug
Entwurf eines interaktiven, intuitiven Zugangs auf verschiedensten Endgeräten und Bildschirmgrössen.

Kleine Patienten ganz gross
Das Projekt untersucht den Einsatz von Kindern als „standardisierte Patienten“ in praktischen Prüfungen (OSCE).

Lessons learned: Schriftliche Prüfungen mit CBA
Wie sind die Erfahrungen mit Computer-basiertem-Assessment (CBA)? Welche Empfehlungen leiten sich daraus für die Eidg. Prüfung Humanmedizin ab?

Neue Ansätze
Das Projekt zeigt neue Ansätze auf, um sich Kommunikationskompetenzen in der universitären Medizinausbildung anzueignen.

Interprofessioneller Venenpunktionskurs
Für Studierende der Humanmedizin, Pflege und Hebammengeburtshilfe soll ein interprofessioneller Kurs in "Punktion peripherer Venen" implementiert werden.

Peer-tutorierter EKG-Kurs
Elektrokardiogramme (EKGs) korrekt interpretieren? Worauf es dabei ankommt, lernen Medizinstudierende von speziell geschulten Peers.

Authentischere Patientenszenarien dank Hybridstationen
Den Einsatz von Hybridstationen in der eidgenössischen Clinical Skills-Prüfung planen und pilotisieren.

Virtuelle Patienten zum Erlernen des klinischen Denkens
Klinisches Denken ist zentral für nahezu alle Aufgaben eines praktizierenden Arztes.

User-Experience Gutachten zum openOLAT LMS
Der Umstieg auf ein neues Learning-Management-System (LMS) soll auch für die Benutzer Vorteile bringen - wie vergleicht sich die User-Experience des alten und neuen Systems?

Usability Optimierungen für
Ein Browser-basiertes System zur Sammlung von Wissen und zum Lernen dieses Wissens. Gibt es noch Usability Stolperfallen?

Prototyp und Umsetzung eines interaktiven Registerauszugs
Entwurf eines interaktiven, intuitiven Zugangs auf verschiedensten Endgeräten und Bildschirmgrössen.

Usability-Optimierung eines elektronischen Patientendaten-Management-Systems (PDMS)
Durch Optimierung der Benutzerfreundlichkeit und der Ladezeiten von häufig benutzten Formularen werden deutliche Arbeitszeit-Einsparungen angestrebt.

Online-Umfrage: Unibibliothek Bern weiterentwickeln
Im Rahmen der Neugestaltung des Bibliotheksangebots wurde eine umfassende Online-Evaluation durchgeführt.

Usability: Vollständiges Redesign einer Fachapplikation
Eine zentrale Applikation der Schweizer Armee wird mit einem benutzerzentrierten Vorgehen neu entwickelt.